The world's most popular Chinese language proficiency tests

About HSK

What is HSK?
The Chinese Proficiency Test/HSK is an international standardized test for Chinese language proficiency organized by CTI Co., Ltd. (CTI), a specialized international Chinese language education and testing service company. HSK assesses Chinese learners' abilities to use Chinese as a second language in their daily, academic, and professional lives through a standardized examination and evaluation with a uniform grading and scoring system.
Why choose HSK?
HSK is the world' s third-largest language test brand after IELTS and TOEFL. HSK scores have become a requirement to prove Chinese language proficiency for international students to apply for admission, graduation, and scholarship in China. For foreigners looking to work in China, a high HSK score can help demonstrate that proficiency to employers and government officials, and better the chances of obtaining a working visa. The uses of HSK scores can be found at:

College enrollment, level learning, course exemption, and course credits.

Employee recruiting, training, and advancement.

Evaluation of quality of teaching at colleges, schools, and other educational institutions.

Heighten Chinese language learners' self-evaluation.


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