The world's most authoritative and popular Chinese language proficiency assessment tools and standards for all types of people.
Developed by the world's most professional Chinese teaching and testing team.
Easy sign up: all test registration is done centrally online.
We offer paper-based tests, computer-based tests, and home-based online tests.
Our professional diagnostic test analysis reports help you learn Chinese better.
You can choose take our tests in local test centers all over the world.
1,396 test centers have been established in 164 countries.
We serve 800,000 test takers each year.
We have certified and supported 50,000 teachers who teach in universities, schools, language centers and as private tutors globally.
We have partnered with 600 universities around the world to establish test centers and worked together on various projects.
We have introduced excellent candidates to more than hundreds of outstanding enterprises around the world.
College enrollment, level assessment, course exemption, and course credits.
Employment, training, and promotions.
Evaluation of the quality of teaching at colleges, schools, and other educational institutions.
Support Chinese language learners' self-evaluation ability.
Fulfilling the language proficiency requirements for international students applying to study, graduate, and gain scholarships in China.
Gaining points on visa applications for foreigners applying to work in China.
If you have special needs, please contact the test center you have chosen
Release date
Test results will be released on the date shown in the calendar, you can access it through "View Test Dates". Once the results have been released, you can look them up via Search or logging in to "My Account" on this site and clicking on the "Results" icon for your test.
Score report
we will send the paper report to your specified address. The report also shows the distribution of all test takers' scores so that you can see how you did comparing to others across the world.
You may request extrapaid services like changing details on your test report, additional copies of your test report, or a remark of part or all of your test by logging in to “My Account” on this site and clicking on the “Results” icon for your test. For other requests, please contact us.
Online Support(Work Days only)Service Time:9:00-11:30 13:30-18:00
+86(0)10 59307662(EN)
+86(0)10 59307638(CN)