How to Apply for Score Review

If you have any questions about your scores, please click 'Apply Online' below to request a score review.

1Review of Test Items and Fees:
(1) Score review is available for the following tests: HSK, HSK Speaking. Test taker can request a review of individual components (listening, reading, writing) or the entire test.
(2) There are two types of HSK score review services: single item and full test. The fee for a single item is RMB 150, and for a full test review, it is RMB 300.
(3) The HSK Speaking Test score review is applicable to the entire test, and the fee is RMB 200 per review.
2Time Limit and Score Review Application Method
(1) Test takers may apply for score review service online through the Chinese Tests Service Website within 30 natural days after the release of test results and pay the relevant fees. Late application is not allowed. Test takers are not required to send back the score report.
(2) Once the application for score review is successfully submitted, it cannot be canceled or modified.
(3) Each test taker can only apply for score review service once for the same test.
(4) During the period of score review, the test taker’s scores will be suspended and test takers cannot check scores online or apply for additional score reports and other services. The original score report cannot be used during this period.
3Score Review Acceptance Process
(1) Receipt of the test taker 's application for score review and the relevant fee;
(2) Members of the Expert Panel on Review are organized to re-score the results of the test takers' original responses;
(3) Test takers can check the score review result on the Chinese Tests Service Website within 15 working days after successful payment.
4Results of Grade Review:
(1) The results of the score review service fall into three categories: the test taker 's score increases , decreases or remains unchanged.
(2) If the reviewed score increases, CTI will send the new score report to the test taker via SF or DHL and refund the score review service fee. The original score report cannot be used.
(3) If the reviewed score decreases, the test taker may continue to use the original score report and the issue of sending an updated score report will not be applicable.
(4) If the scores remain unchanged following the review, the test taker may continue to use the original score report. The issue of sending an updated score report will not be applicable.
(5) The mailing address will be determined based on the information provided by the test taker. In cases of unsuccessful delivery due to incorrect delivery information or address changes, the test taker will be responsible for any associated issues
5Score Review Inquiries and Consultations
(1) Test takers can log into their personal accounts at any time to check the status of the review service and new score report mailing information.
(2) The system will send email notifications to test takers when the review service commences, concludes, etc.
(3) Score Review Consultation:
Contact number: +86 (0)10 59307576/7635
Flowchart of Score Review Service
Online Application
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