The world's most popular Chinese language proficiency tests

Project Introduction

Language serves as a bridge for communication. As the demand for Chinese learning continues to grow, more and more countries are including Chinese in their national education systems by offering Chinese courses in universities, middle schools, and primary schools and by supporting enterprises and social organizations that engage in Chinese-language education.

In order to better meet the needs of Chinese learners and educational institutions around the world, Chinese Test International Co., Ltd. (CTI) has launched the Chinese Learning and Testing Center (CLTC) program, which provides a series of standardized, high-quality Chinese courses to global Chinese learners and educational institutions based on the concept of "combining test and teaching", and provides integrated service of learning, teaching, testing, studying in China, internship and employment.

We warmly welcome cooperation from Chinese and foreign educational institutions, organizations, and enterprises that are dedicated to international Chinese education, with whom we can establish new CLTCs.

CLTC business scope

1Deliver an all-in-one service for international Chinese teaching, learning, and testing.

2Promote international teaching and testing of Chinese online.

3Conduct Chinese-centered preparatory education and consultancy services for foreign students studying in China.

4Carry out other services that align with the CLTC’s major business needs and that aid the expansion of international Chinese education.

What we can provide at the CLTC

1A standardized Chinese-education course system, teaching materials, teaching resources, and teacher training.

2Testing and evaluation services for various Chinese proficiency tests, as well as Certification Examination for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages.

3Assistance to foreign students in China who are applying for scholarships, as well as in applying for summer camp programs, CTI scientific research funds, and other international Chinese-education programs.

4Contact with domestic and foreign institutional resources that provide student recruitment and preparatory education services for foreign students studying in China and for Chinese students studying abroad.

5Introducing potential Chinese/foreign partners to CLTC, when necessary, to facilitate exchanges of information through partnerships.

We believe that learners can achieve better educational results when courses, teaching, learning, and testing and assessment are all closely integrated. In addition, we believe providing comprehensive, learner-centered services will improve CLTC’s market competitiveness, including overseas study services, employment services, and exchange opportunities in China. Therefore, CTI will help CLTC gradually implement sound operations by providing support in the form of resources and introductions between partners. This will subsequently help boost international Chinese education.



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