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The Confucius Institute at University of Estadual Paulista in Brazil Successfully Holds First New HSK Test
[source]  HANBAN                [ Date of issue]  2010-06-02 00:00:00.0

April 17th, afternoon—the Confucius Institute at University of Estadual Paulista held the first new HSK test on its Marilia campus, approximately 450 miles away from Sao Paulo.

The Confucius Institute made careful preparations for publicizing the test, offering pre-exam consultations on enrollment; ensuring that the test proceeded smoothly. Li Xiangkun, Chinese Dean of the institute, also held pre-exam training for supervisors; informing them of exam procedure and invigilation requirements. Thanks to these efforts; testing was orderly proceeded and it was concluded successfully.

Following the examination, a number of examinees explained that although it was their first time taking part in the test and that the listening part was rather difficult, the reading part was easy and most of them were able to complete the exam within the given time. They stated that the test not only assessed their Chinese proficiency, but also gave them extra motivation to learn Chinese diligently. Many of them want to find out their Chinese level through the test. Some of the entrants expressed hopes that higher level HSK will open up opportunities for them to study and work in China in the future.

Yvonne, an American examinee who had studied Chinese for 6 months, came to sit the test in the 7th month of her pregnancy. Since her husband and parents-in-law are Chinese, she desires to learn Chinese well so as to communicate with them in Chinese.